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< Personality type '''tools (3)''' by personality type:
< ||core value maps||'''72 archetypes'''||none||
< ||core value theory||none||none||
< ||none||none||none||


< emotion theory v1, light theory of personality


> Personality type '''tools (3)''' by personality type:
> ||core value maps||'''72 archetypes'''||
light theory of personality||
> ||core value theory||talk therapy||emotion theory v1||
> ||convincing objective metrics||cognitive behavior therapy||primal therapy||
> Talk therapy is useless and just consolation. Primal therapy is for animals.


< || ||Dabrowski's positive disintegration|| ||


> ||attachment theory?||Dabrowski's positive disintegration||deMause childrearing modes?||


< unordered: Eysenck, Allport, more of these fuckers, Emergenetics <- lauded by a Freak, attachment theory, deMause childrearing modes, The Authoritarians


> unordered: Eysenck, Allport, more of these fuckers, Emergenetics <- lauded by a Freak, , , The Authoritarians

Personality type implementations (6) by personality type:

Watsonhuman beingshomo sapiens
CYCWELL neverending language learnerchat bots / random chat bots
if-then goal-oriented AIs (eg, in games)ELIZAanimals

Just like 'The Neverending Story'

Personality type theories (5) by personality type:

multidimensional decompositionhalf-baked resonant loop theoryatomic theory of mind
Nanny AIFriendly AI / Three Laws of RoboticsSkynet
deep neural networksshallow neural networks with feedbackshallow neural networks without feedback

Moral AI? Principled AI?

Whole brain simulation, uploads

Personality type languages (4) by personality type:


Actually, there is one other meta-theory of personality but I don't remember its name. Fuck. Someone mentioned it to me.

Personality type tools (3) by personality type:

core value maps72 archetypeslight theory of personality
core value theorytalk therapyemotion theory v1
convincing objective metricscognitive behavior therapyprimal therapy

Talk therapy is useless and just consolation. Primal therapy is for animals.

Personality type toys (2) by personality type:

Jung typologyCA / Compasssocionics
MBTI/KeirseyEnneagramsalternative 5 / Pod'lair
MMPIBig Five / Revised NEODSM / PCL-R

In the above table is missing one typology I immediately dismissed. Used by research psychologists it is a fluid model that creates thousands of "types". Almost one for every individual!

Personality type objects (1) by personality type

attachment theory?Dabrowski's positive disintegrationdeMause childrearing modes?
Maslow's hierarchyFlow theory

unordered: Eysenck, Allport, more of these fuckers, Emergenetics <- lauded by a Freak, , , The Authoritarians

System creation by personality type:

RebuildSystematizationPrototype (Systemantics)
StandardizationMaintenanceBrainstorm<- popular but useless
Ancient CrapTotal CrapDestructive Crap

MBTI types to 72 archetypes map (see table formats):


Socionics types to 72 archetypes map:

Bartle taxonomy

Predictive Index