Showing revision 2


 1. objects - volumes with geometry
 2. subjects - objects with internal state - a state space
 3. capabilities - objects with a pile of internal state, a pile being composed of 3+ things at least one dependent on another - triangular state space?
 4. language - a mapping from internal to external state
 5. representations - a 1-1 mapping
 6. cognition - dependent representations, a pile of representations?, representation-capabilities?
 7. control - ??? feedback loop. changing the representation based on the derivative meta-representtanion (of its value or closeness to target)  - how the fuck is this different from cognition?!  it's two dimensional time.  cylindrical cognition
 8. design - all cases in a domain?
 9. ...
 10. ...
 11. ...
 1. part-object - relation of a person to a part of an object, or a part of an object to an object so a button to a fan, or fanblade to a f an, or person to a limb
 2. pairbond - relation between two complex systems, two minds
 3. subgroup - relation between THREE or more complex systems or minds or wholes
 4. stranger - WEAK interaction between one whole and one other whole in a bulk or mesh or network of wholes
 5. passive, - self-interactions of the bulk mesh or network, or interaction with the whole of the bulk
 6. assertive - self-interaction of one whole
 7. forceful - interaction with interaction between one whole and another whole
 8. lordly - interaction with interactions between other whole and other whole, none of them involving you
 9. ...
 10. ...
 11. ...

What are meta-levels?

Let's ask some questions.

Now let's compare:

object -> object is easy. subject -> subject is easy. subject -> object is trivial. object -> subject is fucking hard.

Let's move on!

Let's move on!

teaching a second language (language -> language) is easy. teaching a first language (capability -> language) is hard!

Let's move on!

Let's move on

Let's move on

I'm looking at you kellivision, you want to use theories to control people and that's hard * hard = hard^2. good fucking luck because you'll fucking need it!

Every time you try will be like going from babies to language. Every person you meet will be an unthinking mindless infant saying gah gah and you going "the verb goes after the noun!"